Psychiatry Simulated Interview

The 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet or Pounds per Square Inch? PSI stands for both! But also for Psychiatry Simulated Interview! 

This workshop is a SOMS-brand event, having been inspired by the Psychiatry Edition of the workshop “Simulated Patient Interview” held at MEDICS 2021, created and coordinated by Călin Cavaropol, MD, Core Trainee 3 doctor at Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. Due to its remarkable success at the congress and because it presented a new approach to learning methods for medical students, we are proud to offer it to you as one of our SOMS workshops! 

PSI would like to remind you that one of the best ways to learn is to ask questions, so you are in charge of taking history! Use your communication skills in order to deal with psychiatric patients and to find out the most relevant information about their conditions. This workshop gives you the chance to have a practical approach to the psychiatric history, helping you to have a more accurate overview of the interaction with patients with a mental health condition.

Now, taking a peek behind-the-scenes, the entire event is guided and mentored by Dr. Călin Cavaropol, and the roles of the psychiatric patients are played by professional actors. So you have all the support you need to step into the role of the doctor! 

The workshop is held in English and each edition is structured in 4 scenarios. For each one, there will be a psychiatric patient with a certain disorder and a team made by 2 of you. At the beginning of every scenario, each team is going to receive some information about the patient and then you may start taking history. 

At the end of every scenario, you are going to receive feedback from the psychiatrist, in order to help you understand which additional questions you could have asked and more about the clinical experience with this type of patients. 

Keep in mind that it is very important to show empathy towards your patient and to have control over the patient interview!

Date and time

to be announced

Recommended years of study

All years

Maximum number of participants



to be announced

Things you need to bring

Just your passion and communication skills

Participation fee

Full Member Fee - 32 RON, Associate Member Fee - 34 RON, General Fee - 40 RON

In order to buy discounted tickets (membership tickets), you need to create a SOMS account and get a SOMS membership. Depending on your current membership, you will be able to see different discounted prices.

Non-member tickets will only be available 24 hours after event release.

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