35 years of active involvement in the scientific community

SOMS – Scientific Organisation of Medical Students – is a non-profit student organisation, founded at Carol Davila University in 1987.
SOMS is based at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania. We are an autonomous, international, non-political, non-profit organisation run by and for medical students.

what we stand for?

We stand for the values that help a society evolve: integrity, professionalism, constructive criticism.

All these help assemble a scientific medical community among future doctors, who will do their best to reshape the environment they live and work in, so that the end product is a better world to live in.


SOMS has always been in selective search for new members, as it accepts only those students who have constant scientific activity, proven through science communication lectures and publications, with a high professional level and who contribute to the development of the University’s prestige.

A proof of the value of our selectivity is the fact that former SOMS members are now valuable members of academia or scientific communities, either in Romania or abroad.

our mission

Our mission is to promote scientific inquiries and to put together a research-centered community among future doctors – so that they can reshape their environment and change the world for the better. We stand for the values that help a society grow: integrity, professionalism and constructive criticism.

SOMS has always been in a selective search for new members, accepting those medical students who are interested in pursuing research-related activities, through science communication lectures and publications, with high professional standards.

By promoting cutting-edge medical research among medical students, we wish to provide the means and opportunity for students to discuss science and medicine with each other, to discover the beauty of science and the power of knowledge. We encourage each other to have an active role in the academic life for the benefit of the whole medical community.

Our main event – the Medical International Conference for Students (MEDICS) – was designed to do just that: put passionate people in contact with science and with their peers.

our history

Founded in 1987, SOMS is the only student organisation that is interested exclusively in scientific activities. Ever since its establishment, SOMS participated actively in the scientific community by carrying monthly Scientific Communication Sessions, national and international lectures, as well as by developing workshops for students to enhance their scientific abilities, such as Basic Research Skills, one of our regular workshops.

Distinguished SOMS founding and honorific members stand as proof of the permanent commitment to science of our organisation. Amongst them, we would like to mention: Prof. Dr. Mihail Coculescu, Prof. Dr. Corin Badiu, Prof. Dr. Ileana Constantinescu, Prof. Dr. Miron Bogdan, Prof. Dr. Leon Zagrean, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Mircea Ivan, Dr. Mihai Moldovan, Acad. Laurentiu M. Popescu, and many others.

SOMS has contributed to scientific congresses from as early as 1993, when it took part in organizing the Scientific Congress of Medical Students from Sinaia and continued the collaboration in 1994, 1998 and 2003 by helping organize the Scientific Congress of Medical Students in Bucharest. We further designed our main event – the Medical International Conference for Students (MEDICS) – in order to make sure that science enlightens as many students as possible. MEDICS was established in 2016 and became the first international congress for med students in Bucharest. MEDICS promises through each edition to become the most expected scientific event of the year.

2017 marked the 30th anniversary of our organisation. For three decades, the members of our organisation have participated in biomedical research and, at the same time, they brought it in front of their peers, to discuss and understand the topics they tackled. In this way, science reached the students and new ideas. With the help of our dedicated members, SOMS continues to grow and evolve, finding more and more ways to accomplish its mission.

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