It’s great to hear that! To submit an idea for a new SOMS event you have to become an Associate or a Full Member (more on that here). Afterwards, you’ll have to go the My Account page on our website and fill the “Submit a Project Proposal” form. We will review your project and if we like it, we’ll get in touch and take it from there. We’ll help you carry it out from start to finish, providing you with financial, marketing and logistic support.
What is a SOMS Associate Member and why should I become one?
If you want to participate in a SOMS Workshop, then the Associate Members plan is for you. By joining us as an Associate Member, you will get a 15% discount on the workshop price and you will have a booking priority – in this way you can secure a place even when demand is high. Here is how the booking priority works: after we announce a workshop, Associate Members have a 24h exclusive timeframe to book a place – and only the places left unoccupied will then be available to non-members. In addition, you also get volunteering priority at SOMS events (including MEDICS) and you can participate in partner congresses. Last but not least, you may submit a project proposal – and if we like your idea, it will get included in the SOMS portfolio!
How do I become a SOMS Associate Member?
If you’ve decided to become an Associate Member, congratulations and thanks – you’ve given us your vote of confidence, so we must be doing something right! All you have to do is pay the Associate Member Fee here.
What is a SOMS Full Member and why should I become one?
As a SOMS Full Member you enjoy almost the same advantages as a SOMS Associate Member (with some additional perks – see them all here), with one major difference: Full Members may run for a SOMS Executive Board position. If you get elected, you will have additional duties and responsibilities, making decisions about our organisation.
How do I become a SOMS Full Member?
It’s a game of points – to become one, you need to accumulate 100 points in a year, and it takes 60 per year to remain a Full Member thereafter. See the complete scoring system here.
How do I get involved with one of the SOMS Departments?
It depends on what you want to do within the department: if you have a project idea that’s suitable for one of our Departments, you have to become an Associate or a Full Member first and you can then submit your proposal. If you want to be a SOMS Department Volunteer, all you have to do is follow the Department’s Facebook Page and wait for the Volunteer CALL.
What is a a SOMS Department Volunteer and how do I become one?
Department Volunteers help out with the Department’s events. If we need additional help to organize one of the events, we will launch a CALL for Volunteers on Facebook. If you want to become a Department Volunteer, all you have to do is follow the Department’s Facebook Page and wait for a CALL for Volunteers. Each department needs skilled volunteers for its projects – enthusiastic, committed students are welcome!
Do I have to be a SOMS Associate Member in order to get involved with a SOMS Department?
If you want to submit a project proposal, yes, you have to be an Associate Member. If you want to be a Department Volunteer, no, you don’t have to be an Associate Member. But keep in mind that when we launch a CALL for Volunteers, Associate Members will have priority (it’s one of the advantages of being an Associate Member).
How do I become a Volunteer at a SOMS event?
When we need volunteers for a particular event we will launch a CALL for Volunteers on our Facebook pages (the SOMS FB Page, Department FB Pages, etc.). Full and Associate Members have priority over non-members when applying for volunteering positions. Therefore only places left unoccupied by members will then be available to other students.
I have a great idea for a SOMS event – where do I sign up?